Steve Kraszewski of Mason’s Heritage Farm on Maryland’s eastern shore discusses soil health management practices on an organic grain farm.
Brad Humbert, owner/operator of Garrettdale Farm in Westminster, Maryland, discusses species diversity, an emerging malting operation, and his soil-building approach to farming.
Bob Nice, owner operator of Nice Farms Creamery on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, discusses his approach to a successful, regenerative, small dairy operation.
Olabisi Yamu discusses how she grows ethnic crops, applying cultural knowledge from her childhood in western Nigeria to her growing operation today.
In this half hour session, Tiffany Durbin discusses how she and her husband are stewarding land that has been in her family for 200 years.
Sarah Rider, with her husband Tom Paduano, is managing a robust, diverse farm operation that includes draft horses, beef, sheep, chickens, pigs and other livestock, a thriving CSA and presence
Renowned soil health farmer-educators, Keith Berns and Steve Groff dig into maintaining farm profitability and resilience by farming with a soil health mindset.
Dedicated to managing the farm with a soil health mindset, Amanda Paul and her husband, Sam White, produce 100% grass-fed beef, honey, free range eggs, and raspberries. No hormones, antibiotics,
Grazing expertise from farmer and shearer, Emily Chamelin and her daughter, Lydia who raise pastured sheep and more at Aerie Farm East.