Energize with Diversity
Using a diversity of crop species in the field and throughout the landscape contributes to biological diversity above and below ground, and can enhance soil functions and benefit the whole farm system.
The addition of trees or shrubs that produce crops planted in single or multiple rows with agronomic, horticultural crops or forages grown in the alleys between.
This practice is also used for: Maximize Living Roots
Addition of composted organic materials, processed using recommended guidelines for temperature, C:N ratio and storage, for use as a fertilizer amendment and/or to improve soil structure.
This practice is also used for: Keep Soil Cover
Non-cash crops including grasses, legumes, and forbes grown for seasonal cover and other conservation purposes, such as increasing organic matter, reducing weeds, and managing pests and disease, etc.
This practice is also used for: Maximize Living Roots, Keep Soil Covered
Growing crops of different species in a planned sequence on the same field.
This practice is also used for: Maximize Living Roots, Keep Soil Covered
Dense vegetation (shrubs, small trees) planted in a linear design to add biodiversity and/or achieve other conservation purposes.
This practice is also used for: Minimize Disturbance
A site-specific combination of pest prevention, pest avoidance, pest monitoring, and pest suppression strategies.
This practice is also used for: Minimize Disturbance, Maximize Living Roots
Managing stands of trees or shrubs as an overstory with an understory of woody and/or non-woody plants that are grown for a variety of products.
This practice is also used for: Maximize Living Roots, Keep Soil Covered
Managing the amount (rate), source, placement (method of application), and timing of plant nutrients and soil amendments.
This practice is also used for: Minimize Disturbance
Establishing or maintaining trees and/or shrubs in an area adjacent to water bodies, as a buffer and wildlife habitat.
This practice is also used for: Minimize Disturbance
Establishing trees and/or shrubs with compatible forages on the same acreage.
This practice is also used for: Minimize Disturbance, Maximize Living Roots, Keep Soil Covered, Integrate Livestock Where Possible
Growing planned rotations of row crops, forages, small grains, or fallow in a systematic arrangement of equal width strips across a field.
This practice is also used for: Minimize Disturbance
Establishing woody plants by planting seedlings or cuttings, direct seeding, or natural regeneration.
This practice is also used for: Maximize Living Roots
HOW do farmers join the Million Acre Challenge?
Filling out a self-assessment survey enrolls farmers in the challenge and gives them access to tools to track their progress toward healthy soils knowledge and management.